About Michele Marie

michele marie

Welcome to my blog!

I live in the Midwest, I’m married and a mother to 5 (now grown) children.

So grab a glass of wine…

fireplace christmass

By the Fireside…

I long to sit and write poems
Warmed by a crackling fire

I long to share
With fellow poets, writers, and artists

Drinking wine
Listening to their readings-

I have no fireside,
And poets live far away

The chores pile up
I cook, wash, work and sweep

Though using a pen when I can
I need not worry-

Life is a poem, composing
What we have no time to in ink

There is poetry that is poetry
Merely written in words

And there is poetry
Expressed in the patterns we live

Embracing the life and work
We’ve been given

Verse offerings made
In the rhythms of sacrifice

Michele Marie

53 thoughts on “About Michele Marie

  1. I like the part about letting the chores pile up. This may happen, as you say when, “we have no time to in ink,” or in order to give us time to in ink. We use a wood stove inserted into our fireplace. I’m already chopping firewood.

    God Bless,



    • Chopping firewood? How wonderful- (seems wonderful since my fireplace doesn’t-one of the reasons I wanted this house was because it had a fireplace- but found we can’t use it- I will mention the wood stove idea to my hubby- as I love LOVE the smell and sound of burning wood….) and chopping firewood, and fireplaces are part of the poetry of our lives…. 🙂


  2. Welcome to the blogosphere Michele – warning – it is addictive. Love your work and thank you for your visit and follow at art rat cafe – I am honoured…


  3. I’m glad that Zellie gave you the strength to reach out and stride ahead. You are an inspiration. I’ve only been writing for about two years, so maybe I’ll find the sign pointing me to where I should be also.


    • Your words, poetry, and photos remind one to temporarily leave the chaos of the world, and enter into inner thought and contemplation- you have a wonderful site!


  4. I like your stories best, as you may have seen from my comments I dared to post, today. With your kind permission, I shall become a regular follower of your musings.

    Many a greetings from the other side of the pond. 😀


    • Thank you Salva… Greetings from this side of the pond! I lived in Germany for awhile, all I remember from my ‘head start’ German language classes was something I memorized so that I could get home in a taxi- ” Gehen sie Garadeaus, und dann links au zweite strasse…” spelling not sure…
      Thank you for the comment of my stories- I’ve noticed here and on an on-line site where I post, that I get the most feedback from my stories- you are concrete confirmation!
      I visited your site, and plan to go back as my son is waiting next to me to use the computer- you write beautifully!


  5. I’m so happy to have found another wonderful writerly blog. Deepest respect from a fellow poet (albeit one that is currently exploring other genres but really has always remained faithful to her internal poet). Hats off to you. Happily following your art.


    • ‘Unwillingexpat,’ I love your blog and your pictures- what happens when you mix a journalist–poet–Australian, and transplant her to Sicily? You get your blog! How wonderful to travel with you and see how life is in another part of the world! Looking forward to many more of your posts!


      • Thanks so much, that means a lot! Life is always an adventure, trying to savour the experience as best I can.


  6. Popped by to thank you for liking my recent post about King Henry VIII and his mixed motives for abandoning Roman Catholicism. I was surprised to discover (surprised because of the ‘like’) that you are a Catholic. I would be delighted to hear your views on the Reformation and everything that followed, from his daughter’s persecution of Protestants to Oliver Cromwell’s persecution of Catholics. Only if you have the time, of course!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you franklparker. Yes, I ‘liked’ your post for so many reasons but I’ll put only a few here. As I read your post, I thought you brought out so many important facts about King Henry VIII: Your piece brings out the reason for his abandoning Roman Catholicism. He wanted a divorce. Some new flame had captured his eye, and so he needed to change the rules. You expose that in your piece. His rejection of the religion was because the divorce part didn’t please his Royal Majesty. Thomas More is a Saint in the Catholic Church. He was a very close and beloved friend of King Henry the VIII, but he stood by his principals regardless, and wouldn’t budge on the church’s teachings on this. More refused to be a “King” pleaser and stayed loyal to Rome. King Henry VIII wanted to rule ‘his’ supposed Catholic church, as pointed out in your writing bit, “I sought only the right to be master of the Church within my own realm.”
    If you recall, in the history of the church, there were times when church and state were not separate. This gave rise to greed, church corruption, and many bloody wars that were begun by ‘popes’ aka emperors, kings, Holy Roman Emperors etc. These nation rulers made themselves, or were made by other royalty, the ruler of the church too. The only way to be a church leader, back in those times, was to be royalty or highly ‘connected’ Only when the church and political leaders separated, did the peace begin and corruption end. Making a king a leader over the church and its doctrines opens the window to abuse by these same leaders. Either there is a truth, or there isn’t. God’s law either counts or it doesn’t. The church either is relevant or it isn’t. King Henry VIII wanted to make his own rule for the Catholic church, the church he loved and protected in many other ways. However, he wanted to cherry pick out the part that didn’t please him.
    ” …his daughter’s persecution of Protestants to Oliver Cromwell’s persecution of Catholics.” Once again, those in political leadership using their position for war, for gain, for getting their way, for attempting to rid themselves of a religious group. When is it holy, peace-making, charitable to use your religion to persecute those of another religion? Never. You can’t have those who are the leaders of nations establishing or controlling the going-ons of the church, or using religion to commit violent acts. Nations should not ever use religion to condone death.
    I ‘liked’ your post because it was a good show of the imagined and confused thinking of the King’s thinking over his right to control church teaching. I’d better stop since this was supposed to be a brief reply.
    FYI Robert Southwell was a priest and Poet who lost his life in England for being a priest. He was tortured by Richard Topcliffe, who was known to use the worst tortures that had no limits… The Church of England, acting on its own, making its own rules, thought it ‘christian’ to torture other christians- my point: Political/ nation’s rulers should not be allowed ever to dictate church teachings. In our catholic realm, we would say, ‘they don’t have the grace” as in they don’t have the vocation to rule the church nor to declare its teachings. This is clearly shown by the violent outcomes that happened when they ruled by their scepter, against the church.


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